Designation: Associate Professor – Mechanical engineering

Academic Qualification

Qualification Institution Year
PhD-Mechanical Engineering Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 2010
Masters in Industrial Engineering & Management Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 2005
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (J.K.U.A.T), Kenya 2001

Areas of Expertise

  • Manufacturing Facilities Design
  • Industrial Process Design
  • Industrial Management & Productivity
  • Maintenance Engineering

Research Interest

  • Manufacturing Systems Design
  • Maintenance Engineering
  • Industrial Productivity
  • Commercialization of Technology & Business Start-ups

Work Experience

  • July 2022 – To Date: Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs & Research, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT)
  • 2020 to 2022: Director – DeKUT Startup Centre (DeStaC)
  • 2018 to 2019: Director – Institutional Advancement Office, DeKUT
  • 2011 to 2017: Director – Nairobi Campus, DeKUT
  • 2014 to Date: Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, DeKUT

Professional Association

  • Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK)
  • Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK)

Awards, Scholarships & Recognition

  • DeKUT Resource Mobilization Award, 2017

Major Publications

  1. Muchiri P.N. (2010) “Performance Modelling of Manufacturing Equipment with Focus on Maintenance” KULeuven, Belgium, (ISBN: 978-94-6018-202-0)
  2. Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P. N., (2009). Safety and Maintenance “Book Chapter in The Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering by Ben-Daya M., Duffuaa S. and Raouf A.” (Chapter 22), Springer, London. (ISBN – 978-1-84882-471-3)


In Books

  1. Muchiri P.N. (2010) “Performance Modelling of Manufacturing Equipment with Focus on Maintenance” KULeuven, Belgium, (ISBN: 978-94-6018-202-0)
  2. Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P. N., (2009). Safety and Maintenance “Book Chapter in The Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering by Ben-Daya M., Duffuaa S. and Raouf A.” (Chapter 22), Springer, London. (ISBN – 978-1-84882-471-3)

In International Journals

  1. Chepkania, Z. L., Muchiri, P.N., Keraita, J.N., (2018), Productivity Improvement in Bus Body Manufacturing using Value Stream Mapping and Line Balancing, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil engineering, Vol 15, No. 2 pp. 21-28 
  2. Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Chemweno, P. and Muchiri, P.N. (2018), “A decision tree-based classification framework for used oil analysis applying random forest feature selection”, Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology for Development, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 90–100.
  3. Josiah,A.K., Muchiri, P.N., Keraita, J.N., (2018) “Failure Mode identification and Prioritiization Using FMEA – A Case Study of Corn Milling Industry”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil engineering, Vol 15, No. 2 pp. 21-28 
  4. Lagat K. M., Muchiri, P.N., Keraita, J.N., (2018) Development of Risk Based Approach to Spare Part Inventosy Management – A case of Chemelil Sugar Company. IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol 8, No. 9, pp. 41-54
  5. Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P.N. and Chemweno, P. (2018), “Maintenance Optimization: Application of Remanufacturing and Repair Strategies”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 69, pp. 899–904. 
  6. Maina, E. C., Muchiri, P.N., Keraita, J.N., (2018) Improvement of Facility Layout Using Systematic Layout Planning. IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN),Vol 8, No. 5, pp 33-43.
  7. Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P.N. and Chemweno, P. (2018), “A statistical approach for analyzing used oil data and enhancing maintenance decision making: Case study of a thermal power plant”, Accepted.  Journal of Maintenance Engineering, Vol.2.
  8. Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Van Horenbeek, A. Risk assessment methodologies in maintenance decision making: a review of dependability modelling approaches. Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety. Status: In Press 
  9. Vala, S., Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L. (2018) “A risk-based maintenance approach for critical care medical equipment: A case study of a large referral hospital in a developing country.” International Journal of System Assuarance Engineering and Management. 
  10. Mugi, K., Chemweno, P., Muchiri, P., Pintelon, L. (2018). Application of HFMEA on risk assessment of radiology processes in public hospitals: a case study of Nyeri county referral hospital. IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Vol. 13, Issue 2 (2018).
  11. Ndolo S. N., Muchiri, P. N., Pintelon, L., Chemweno P.K, Wakiru J. (2018). A Simulation model as a Lean tool to improve patient flow and utilization of resources in Kenya’s public hospitals: A Case Study of The Outpatient Department of Nyeri County Referral Hospital. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. Vol. 15, Issue 1, pp18-25.  
  12. Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Van Horenbeek, A., De Meyer, A-M., Muchiri, P.N. (2017). A dynamic risk assessment methodology for maintenance decision support. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 33 (3), 551-564.
  13. Njeru, M. N., Byiringiro, J. B., Muchiri, P. N., (2017) Process Analysis for Emission Control within the Small Scale Coffee Roasting Industries in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil engineering, Vol 15, No. 2 pp 21-28.
  14. Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Wakiru, J. (2016). Development of a novel methodology for root cause analysis and selection of maintenance strategy for a thermal power plant: A data exploration approach. Engineering Failure Analysis, 66 (August 2016), 19-34.
  15. Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Van Horenbeek, A., Muchiri, P. (2015). Development of a risk assessment selection methodology for asset maintenance decision making: An Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 170 (1), 663-676.
  16. Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Wakiru, J. Muchiri, P., (2016) Development of a novel methodology for root cause analysis and selection of maintenance strategy for a thermal power plant:  A data exploration research. International Journal of Systems assurance engineering and management.
  17. Muchiri, A.K., Ikua, B.W., Muchiri, P.N., Irungu, P.K. (2014), “Development of a theoretical Framework for evaluating maintenance practices” International Journal of Systems assurance engineering and management 
  18. Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., (2013) A Dynamic risk Assessment Methodology for Maintenance Decision Support. International Journal of Reliability Engineering
  19. Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., (2013) Evaluating the impact of spare parts pooling strategy on the maintenance of Unreliable repairable system. International Journal of Reliability Engineering
  20. Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Van Horeenbeek, A., Muchiri, P., (2013) “Asset Maintenance Maturity Model (AMMM): Structured Guide to Maintenance Process Maturity” I nternational Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM): Submitted Nov 2013; Accepted for Publication: July 2014
  21. Muchiri, P, Pintelon, L., Martin, H., Chemweno, P., (2013) “Modelling Maintenance Effects on Manufacturing Equipment Performance: Results from Simulation Analysis” International Journal of Production Research, ID TPRS-2013-IJPR-0284.R5, Submitted Dec 2012; Accepted for Publication: November 2013.
  22. Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Van Horeenbeek, A., Muchiri, P., (2013) “Development of a Risk Assessment Tool Selection Model for Asset Maintenance Decision Making” International Journal of Production Research (IJPE): Submitted Dec 2013.
  23. Van Hoorenbeek, A., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., (2011) “Maintenance optimization models and criteria.” International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (DOI:10.1007/s13198-011-0045-x); Accepted for Publication: April, 2011
  24. Muchiri, P, Pintelon, (2011) “Modelling Maintenance Effects on Manufacturing Equipment Performance: Results from Industrial Case study” Sustainable Research and Innovation Proceedings, Vol 3, 2011
  25. Muchiri, P.N., Pintelon, L., Gelders, L., Martin, H., (2010) “Development of Maintenance Function Performance Measurement Framework and Indicators: International Journal of Production Economics Vol 131, pg 295-302, 2010
  26. Muchiri, P. N., Pintelon, L., Martin, H., De Meyer, A.M., (2009). “Empirical analysis of performance measurement in Belgian Industries.” International Journal of Production Research (ISSN:1366-588X 0020-7543): On Line since Oct 2009 
  27. Muchiri, P.N., Pintelon, L., (2008) “Performance Measurement Using Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE): Literature Review & Practical Application Discussion” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 46 Issue No 13, pp 3517-3535. July 2008

PHD Supervision (4 Students)

  1. The Added Value of Asset Management in Power Generation Plants in Developing Countries Context: A Case for Kenya”, Peter Chemweno, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Arenberg Doctoral School of Science, Engineering & Technology, University of Leuven, Belgium (2016) Supervisor: Prof. L. Pintelon; Prof. P. N. Muchiri, Prof. Joost Duflu
  2. Maintenance Optimization Model for Developing Countries, Anthony Muchiri, PhD in Mechanical engineering, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT); (2013); Supervisors: Prof. B. Ikua, Dr. K. Kibicho, Prof. P. N. Muchiri
  3. Reliability Enhancement of Power Plants through Risk-Based Maintenance Approach, James Wakiru Dedan Kimathi University of Technology in collaboration with University of Leuven, Supervisor: Prof. P. N. Muchiri, Prof. L. Pintelon, (2015 – Present)
  4. Maintenance Modelling of Biomedical Devices, David Malombe, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology in collaboration with University of Leuven, Supervisor: Prof. P. N. Muchiri, Dr. Peter Chemweno, (2017 – Present)

Masters Supervision – 39 Students