Prof. Peter Ng’ang’a Muchiri
Designation: Associate Professor – Mechanical engineering
Academic Qualification
Qualification | Institution | Year |
PhD-Mechanical Engineering | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium | 2010 |
Masters in Industrial Engineering & Management | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium | 2005 |
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering | Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (J.K.U.A.T), Kenya | 2001 |
Areas of Expertise
- Manufacturing Facilities Design
- Industrial Process Design
- Industrial Management & Productivity
- Maintenance Engineering
Research Interest
- Manufacturing Systems Design
- Maintenance Engineering
- Industrial Productivity
- Commercialization of Technology & Business Start-ups
Work Experience
- July 2022 – To Date: Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs & Research, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT)
- 2020 to 2022: Director – DeKUT Startup Centre (DeStaC)
- 2018 to 2019: Director – Institutional Advancement Office, DeKUT
- 2011 to 2017: Director – Nairobi Campus, DeKUT
- 2014 to Date: Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, DeKUT
Professional Association
- Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK)
- Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK)
Awards, Scholarships & Recognition
- DeKUT Resource Mobilization Award, 2017
Major Publications
- Muchiri P.N. (2010) “Performance Modelling of Manufacturing Equipment with Focus on Maintenance” KULeuven, Belgium, (ISBN: 978-94-6018-202-0)
- Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P. N., (2009). Safety and Maintenance “Book Chapter in The Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering by Ben-Daya M., Duffuaa S. and Raouf A.” (Chapter 22), Springer, London. (ISBN – 978-1-84882-471-3)
In Books
- Muchiri P.N. (2010) “Performance Modelling of Manufacturing Equipment with Focus on Maintenance” KULeuven, Belgium, (ISBN: 978-94-6018-202-0)
- Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P. N., (2009). Safety and Maintenance “Book Chapter in The Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering by Ben-Daya M., Duffuaa S. and Raouf A.” (Chapter 22), Springer, London. (ISBN – 978-1-84882-471-3)
In International Journals
- Chepkania, Z. L., Muchiri, P.N., Keraita, J.N., (2018), Productivity Improvement in Bus Body Manufacturing using Value Stream Mapping and Line Balancing, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil engineering, Vol 15, No. 2 pp. 21-28
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Chemweno, P. and Muchiri, P.N. (2018), “A decision tree-based classification framework for used oil analysis applying random forest feature selection”, Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology for Development, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 90–100.
- Josiah,A.K., Muchiri, P.N., Keraita, J.N., (2018) “Failure Mode identification and Prioritiization Using FMEA – A Case Study of Corn Milling Industry”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil engineering, Vol 15, No. 2 pp. 21-28
- Lagat K. M., Muchiri, P.N., Keraita, J.N., (2018) Development of Risk Based Approach to Spare Part Inventosy Management – A case of Chemelil Sugar Company. IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol 8, No. 9, pp. 41-54
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P.N. and Chemweno, P. (2018), “Maintenance Optimization: Application of Remanufacturing and Repair Strategies”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 69, pp. 899–904.
- Maina, E. C., Muchiri, P.N., Keraita, J.N., (2018) Improvement of Facility Layout Using Systematic Layout Planning. IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN),Vol 8, No. 5, pp 33-43.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P.N. and Chemweno, P. (2018), “A statistical approach for analyzing used oil data and enhancing maintenance decision making: Case study of a thermal power plant”, Accepted. Journal of Maintenance Engineering, Vol.2.
- Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Van Horenbeek, A. Risk assessment methodologies in maintenance decision making: a review of dependability modelling approaches. Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety. Status: In Press
- Vala, S., Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L. (2018) “A risk-based maintenance approach for critical care medical equipment: A case study of a large referral hospital in a developing country.” International Journal of System Assuarance Engineering and Management.
- Mugi, K., Chemweno, P., Muchiri, P., Pintelon, L. (2018). Application of HFMEA on risk assessment of radiology processes in public hospitals: a case study of Nyeri county referral hospital. IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Vol. 13, Issue 2 (2018).
- Ndolo S. N., Muchiri, P. N., Pintelon, L., Chemweno P.K, Wakiru J. (2018). A Simulation model as a Lean tool to improve patient flow and utilization of resources in Kenya’s public hospitals: A Case Study of The Outpatient Department of Nyeri County Referral Hospital. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. Vol. 15, Issue 1, pp18-25.
- Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Van Horenbeek, A., De Meyer, A-M., Muchiri, P.N. (2017). A dynamic risk assessment methodology for maintenance decision support. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 33 (3), 551-564.
- Njeru, M. N., Byiringiro, J. B., Muchiri, P. N., (2017) Process Analysis for Emission Control within the Small Scale Coffee Roasting Industries in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil engineering, Vol 15, No. 2 pp 21-28.
- Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Wakiru, J. (2016). Development of a novel methodology for root cause analysis and selection of maintenance strategy for a thermal power plant: A data exploration approach. Engineering Failure Analysis, 66 (August 2016), 19-34.
- Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Van Horenbeek, A., Muchiri, P. (2015). Development of a risk assessment selection methodology for asset maintenance decision making: An Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 170 (1), 663-676.
- Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Wakiru, J. Muchiri, P., (2016) Development of a novel methodology for root cause analysis and selection of maintenance strategy for a thermal power plant: A data exploration research. International Journal of Systems assurance engineering and management.
- Muchiri, A.K., Ikua, B.W., Muchiri, P.N., Irungu, P.K. (2014), “Development of a theoretical Framework for evaluating maintenance practices” International Journal of Systems assurance engineering and management
- Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., (2013) A Dynamic risk Assessment Methodology for Maintenance Decision Support. International Journal of Reliability Engineering
- Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., (2013) Evaluating the impact of spare parts pooling strategy on the maintenance of Unreliable repairable system. International Journal of Reliability Engineering
- Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Van Horeenbeek, A., Muchiri, P., (2013) “Asset Maintenance Maturity Model (AMMM): Structured Guide to Maintenance Process Maturity” I nternational Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM): Submitted Nov 2013; Accepted for Publication: July 2014
- Muchiri, P, Pintelon, L., Martin, H., Chemweno, P., (2013) “Modelling Maintenance Effects on Manufacturing Equipment Performance: Results from Simulation Analysis” International Journal of Production Research, ID TPRS-2013-IJPR-0284.R5, Submitted Dec 2012; Accepted for Publication: November 2013.
- Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., Van Horeenbeek, A., Muchiri, P., (2013) “Development of a Risk Assessment Tool Selection Model for Asset Maintenance Decision Making” International Journal of Production Research (IJPE): Submitted Dec 2013.
- Van Hoorenbeek, A., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., (2011) “Maintenance optimization models and criteria.” International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (DOI:10.1007/s13198-011-0045-x); Accepted for Publication: April, 2011
- Muchiri, P, Pintelon, (2011) “Modelling Maintenance Effects on Manufacturing Equipment Performance: Results from Industrial Case study” Sustainable Research and Innovation Proceedings, Vol 3, 2011
- Muchiri, P.N., Pintelon, L., Gelders, L., Martin, H., (2010) “Development of Maintenance Function Performance Measurement Framework and Indicators: International Journal of Production Economics Vol 131, pg 295-302, 2010
- Muchiri, P. N., Pintelon, L., Martin, H., De Meyer, A.M., (2009). “Empirical analysis of performance measurement in Belgian Industries.” International Journal of Production Research (ISSN:1366-588X 0020-7543): On Line since Oct 2009
- Muchiri, P.N., Pintelon, L., (2008) “Performance Measurement Using Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE): Literature Review & Practical Application Discussion” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 46 Issue No 13, pp 3517-3535. July 2008
PHD Supervision (4 Students)
- The Added Value of Asset Management in Power Generation Plants in Developing Countries Context: A Case for Kenya”, Peter Chemweno, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Arenberg Doctoral School of Science, Engineering & Technology, University of Leuven, Belgium (2016) Supervisor: Prof. L. Pintelon; Prof. P. N. Muchiri, Prof. Joost Duflu
- Maintenance Optimization Model for Developing Countries, Anthony Muchiri, PhD in Mechanical engineering, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT); (2013); Supervisors: Prof. B. Ikua, Dr. K. Kibicho, Prof. P. N. Muchiri
- Reliability Enhancement of Power Plants through Risk-Based Maintenance Approach, James Wakiru Dedan Kimathi University of Technology in collaboration with University of Leuven, Supervisor: Prof. P. N. Muchiri, Prof. L. Pintelon, (2015 – Present)
- Maintenance Modelling of Biomedical Devices, David Malombe, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology in collaboration with University of Leuven, Supervisor: Prof. P. N. Muchiri, Dr. Peter Chemweno, (2017 – Present)
Masters Supervision – 39 Students