
Research Interests

  1. Renewable energy
  2. Energy management
  3. Solar technologies and optimization.

Academic Qualification

Qualification  Institution Year
 (MSc.) degree in Sustainable Energy Systems and Management (SESAM).  University of Flensburg  2009
 (BTech.) degree in Production Engineering.  Moi University  2001

Professional History

  1. 2010 – To present: DEDAN KIMATHI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, NYERI, KENYA – Position: Mechanical Eng. Lecturer
    • I deliver lectures and tutorials, supervise and carry out university supported consultancy work in Mechanical engineering. My undergraduate class lectures, tutorials and supervision work is on Energy Management, Renewable Energy Technologies (RET), Power Plant Engineering and Thermodynamics.
  2. 2015 – To present: Strathmore University Energy Research Centre (SERC) – Position:Projects based consultant
    • I carry out energy projects feasibility studies, design, modeling & Simulation consultancy work. I also carry out all types of energy audits (benchmarking, walkthrough, general and investment) for industrial, commercial and residential facilities besides offering professional training in energy management and climate change.
  3. 2010 – 2012: Environmental Cost Management (ECM), Nairobi, Kenya – Position: Consultant
    • I worked as an energy consultant in a team of experts retained by ECM Ltd and Agies BCEOM of France in a project funded by Agence Française de Développement (AFD). Main project objective was to build the technical capacity of the Least Cost Power Development Plan (LCPDP) team at the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum (MoEP) to accurately forecast Kenya’s energy demand for the period 2011 to 2031.
    • My key assignment was development and implementation of a framework for baseline data collection on energy consumption and characterization by households, commercial and industrial users across Page 2 of 6 the 47 counties. The baseline data was to be used as the input data for Model for Analysis of Energy Demand (MAED) program. The program was used to model Kenya’s future energy demand under different GDP growth rates and energy consumption scenarios.
  4. 2010 – 2011: International Finance Corporation (IFC), Nairobi, Kenya – Position: Energy Consultant
    • My brief was to carry out a baseline study on renewable energy resources (bagasse and hydro) and energy efficiency (EE) projects development opportunities in Kenya’s tea sector.
    • Expected deliverables were: Identification of bankable Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency projects for financing by IFC under its Climate Change Investment Program in Africa (CIPA).
  5. 2009-to-2010: Environmental Cost Management (ECM), Nairobi, Kenya – Position: Consultant
    • I worked as a field coordinator with ECM in a JICA funded integrated waste management project for city of Nairobi. The project was a feasibility study and it involved carrying out a baseline study on solid waste generation and disposal in Nairobi and its potential for productive use including waste to power or waste to heat. Main deliverable was a baseline report on characterizing waste generation, treatment and disposal in the city of Nairobi.
  6. 2009: Barra and Vatersay Community Limited, Scotland Position: Team Leader
    • I led a team of 8 students on a project focused on assessing the viability of a combined heat and power (CHP) system for a cluster of 100 households, Public and commercial buildings in Castlebay and Vatersay islands. The work involved collection of baseline data on electrical and thermal energy use by residential, commercial and Industrial energy users in the two islands. The project involved assessment of biomass fuel to meet the islands base load and oil for peaking load. Wind2heat technology was also assessed on viability of the same to meet the islands space and process heating needs.
  7. 2002-to-2007: Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA), Nairobi, Kenya – Position: Production Assistant Manager
    • I worked as a manager at Ikumbi T.F (Muranga County), Sanganyi T.F (Nyamira County) and Chebut TF (Nandi County). As a manager I was involved in black CTC tea production process scheduling and planning, prepared production lines machinery maintenance plans and documentation and also supervised the implementation of the same. In the three factories I worked in I was keen on lowering the cost of production through process optimization, energy efficiency improvement and prudent labour deployment. I also ensured there was strict compliance by the factory with statutory requirements on annual boiler and air receivers’ inspection and staff training.
  8. 2001: Ezemak Refrigeration and Contractors Ltd, Nairobi, Kenya – Position: Operations Engineer
    • My work involved designing and supervision of fabrication of domestic and commercial refrigeration systems, Heating, Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems. Specified or designed and supervised fabrication and site installation of such parts like centrifugal and axial fans, fan casings, air conveyance ducting. I was also involved in installation, commissioning, maintenance and servicing of the same in different parts of the country. Prepared bill of materials and bill of quantities for projects the company was involved in.



  1. Kimari, M. P. (2014). Biomass B a s e d Cogeneration in Tea Factories: Technical and Economic Analysis. Lap Lambert Academic Publishers.

Conference Papers:

  1. Kimari M.P. (2016). Kenya’s Renewable Energy Sector: A review of policies and Instruments governing the sector. Proceedings of International DAAD Alumni Workshop on Accelerating Deployment of Renewable Energy Technologies in Developing Countries. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, 2016. Cottbus, Germany.
  2. Kimari M.P. (2015). Energy Management Practice in Developing Countries: A Review of Kenya’sPolicy,Regulatory and Institutional Framework: Proceedings of International DAAD Alumni Workshop on Renewable Energy Systems.University of Flensburg, 2015. Flensburg, Germany.
  3. Kimari, M.P., & Ngugi, P.K. (2013). Integration of Biogas Generated Electricity into Kenya’s Grid Network: A Review of Feed-in-Tariff Instrument: Proceedings of DAAD University of Flensburg Sustainable Energy Professionals, FAEM Nepal, 2013. Kathmandu, Nepal.
  4. Kimari M.P. (2012). Building a Robust Solar PV Market in Kenya: Proceedings of International DAAD Alumni Workshop on Renewable Energy Systems. University of Flensburg, 2012. Flensburg, Germany.
  5. Kimari, M. P. (2012). Baseline Survey on Available Technical Potential for Biomass Based Process Heat and Power Generation in Tea Processing Factories in Kenya: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Conference on Sustainable Research and Innovation, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2012. Juja, Kenya.