Dr. James M. Wakiru

Designation: Senior Lecturer
School: School of Engineering
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Email: james.wakiru@dkut.ac.ke
Academic Background
Qualification | Institution | Year |
PhD Mechanical Engineering | KU Leuven | 2021 |
MSc. Industrial Engineering & Management | Dedan Kimathi University of Technology | 2015 |
MBA-Marketing | Kenyatta University | 2008 |
BSc. Mechanical Engineering | Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology | 1999 |
Professional Qualifications
Qualification | Institution | Year |
Graduate Engineer | IEK | 2022 |
Graduate Engineer | EBK | 2014 |
Areas of Expertise
- Mechanical engineering – Operations and Maintenance
- Lubrication technology
- Data analytics decision making
- Simulation-based decision making
Work Experience
- June 2022 – To date: Senior Lecturer – Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
- June 2016 – June 2022: Lecturer – Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
- Sept 2016 – April 2021: PhD researcher – KU Leuven
- 2013 – 2016: Head of Lubricants – Hass Petroleum
- 2009 – 2013: Technical & Sales Manager – Lubesol Kenya Ltd
- 2004 – 2007: Industrial Lubricants Business Consultant – Chevron Kenya Ltd
- 2001 – 2004: Marine Lubricants Engineer & Territory Manager – ExxonMobil Marine Lubricants & Mobil Oil Kenya Ltd
Social Responsibilities
- Board Member- International Church of Evangelicals in Leuven (ICEL), Belgium (2019-present).
- Member: Building Committee (PCEA Kariobangi South)-2007/8, 2021-present.
Journal publications
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L.,Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. (2021). Integrated remanufacturing, maintenance, and spares policies towards life extension of a multi-component system. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 214: 107872.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L.,Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. (2021). A comparative analysis of maintenance strategies and data application in asset performance management for both developed and developing countries. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. Published online.
- Mburu, S. M., Wakiru, J. M., Muchiri, P. N., & Pintelon, L. (2021). Maintenance Impact on Geothermal Drilling Operations. A Case Study Approach. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 11, 183–201.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L.,Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. Mburu, S. (2020). Towards an innovative Lubricant Condition Monitoring strategy for maintenance of ageing multi-unit systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 204: 107200.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L.,Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. (2020). A data mining approach for lubricant-based fault diagnosis. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering. Published online.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L.,Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. (2020). Integrated maintenance policies for performance improvement of a multi-unit repairable, one product manufacturing system. Production Planning & Control. 32:5, 347-367.
- Wakiru, J.M., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P.N. and Chemweno, P.K. (2019). A Cost-Based Failure Prioritization Approach for Selecting Maintenance Strategies for Thermal Power Plants : A Case Study Context of Developing Countries. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 10(5):1369–87.
- Wakiru, J.M., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P.N. and Chemweno, P.K. (2019). Maintenance objective selection framework applicable to designing and improving maintenance programs. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, 43:127-144.
- Wakiru, J.M., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P.N. and Chemweno, P.K. (2019). A simulation-based optimization approach evaluating maintenance and spare parts demand interaction effects. International Journal of Production Economics, 208:329-342.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. (2018). A review of lubricant condition monitoring information analysis for maintenance decision support. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 118:108–132.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Chemweno, P. and Muchiri, P.N. (2018). A decision tree-based classification framework for used oil analysis applying random forest feature selection. Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology for Development, 3(1): 90–100.
- Kamunge, M.M., Muchiri, P.P.N., Adika, C.O. and Wakiru, J.M. (2018), “Development of Maintenance Decision Guidelines from Used Oil Data of a Thermal Powerplant. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), 15(2): 63–71.
- Ndolo, S.N., Muchiri, P.N., Pintelon, L., Chemweno, P. and Wakiru, J. (2018), “A Simulation Model As A Lean Tool To Improve Patient Flow And Utilization o f Resources In Kenya ’ s Public Hospitals : A Case Study of The Outpatient Department of Nyeri County Referral Hospital”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), 15(1): 18–25.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P.N. and Chemweno, P. (2017). A statistical approach for analyzing used oil data and enhancing maintenance decision making: A case study of a thermal power plant. Journal of Maintenance Engineering, 2:92-104, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire: Shield Crest Publishing.
- Chemweno, P., Pintelon, L., De Meyer, A.-M., Muchiri, P.N., Van Horenbeek, A. and Wakiru, J. (2017). A Dynamic Risk Assessment Methodology for Maintenance Decision Support. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 33(3): 551-564.
- Chemweno, P., Morag, I., Sheikhalishahi, M., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Wakiru, J. (2016), Development of a novel methodology for root cause analysis and selection of maintenance strategy for a thermal power plant: A data exploration approach. Engineering Failure Analysis, 66: 19-34.
Conferences Proceedings
- Wakiru, J., and Muchiri, P. 2022. “Simulating the Influence of Spares Replacement and Reuse Strategies on Equipment Availability and Maintenance Cost.” In International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 5-7 April 2022, Nsukka, Nigeria.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L. (2021). Asset performance management in Belgian industries: Survey results. Asset Performance 4.0, Session 2.1.5, Antwerp, Belgium. Date: 26-28 October 2021.
- Mukhongo, S., Wakiru, J., Muchiri, P., Njenga, M. (2021). Risk-based Maintenance decision support for Geothermal Drilling Rigs. A case study for KenGen Drilling Rigs. Proceedings of World Geothermal Congress 2021. Reykjavik, Iceland. Date: 21-26 May 2021
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. (2020). Simulation-based derived maintenance spares criticality assessment. Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference in Venice, Italy. Date: 1-6 November 2020.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Elgin, C. (2019). Maintenance data analytics architecture for decision support considering heterogeneous data. The 5th DeKUT International conference on science, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Nyeri, Kenya. Date: 13-15 November 2019
- Mburu, S.,Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P. (2019). Geothermal drilling cost and rig availability optimization through maintenance. The 5th DeKUT International conference on science, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Nyeri, Kenya. Date: 13-15 November 2019
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P.N. (2018). Towards dynamic selection of maintenance objectives using ANP for operations and maintenance optimization. Euromaintenance 4.0, Session 2.3.2, Antwerp, Belgium. Date: 24-27 September 2018.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P. and Chemweno, P. (2018). Influence of maintenance and operations strategies on the availability of critical power plant equipment : A simulation approach, in Grubbstrom, R., Hinterhuber, H. and Lundquist, J. (Eds.), 20th International Working Seminar on Production Economics., Vol. 3, pp. 465-476. PrePrints, Innsbruck, Austria. Date: 19-23 February 2018.
- Orošnjak, M., Jocanović, M., Karanović, V., Wakiru, J. and Bugarić, U. (2018). Contamination control of Fluid power systems in industry 4.0. 3rd Maintenance Forum on maintenance and asset management 2018. Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 52–60. Date: 24-26 May 2018.
- Wakiru, J. M., Pintelon, L., Karanović, V. V, Jocanović, M. T., & Orošnjak, M. D. (2018). Analysis of lubrication oil towards maintenance grouping for multiple types of equipment using fuzzy cluster analysis. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 393(1), 12011. The 10th International Conference KOD 2018. Novi Sad, Serbia. Date: 06-06 June 2018.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P. (2018). Simulating the effect of maintenance actions of equipment reliability. Maintenance research day-Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Date: 08 March 2018
- Jocanović, M. T., Karanović, V. V, Orošnjak, M. D., Lukić, D. O., & Wakiru, J. M. (2018). Impact of exploitation conditions on the types of wear of the excavator slew bearing toothed race. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 393(1): 12010. The 10th International Conference KOD 2018. Novi Sad, Serbia. Date: 06-06 June 2018.
- Karanović, V. V, Jocanović, M. T., Wakiru, J. M., & Orošnjak, M. D. (2018). Benefits of lubricant oil analysis for maintenance decision support: a case study. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 393(1), 12013. The 10th International Conference KOD 2018. Novi Sad, Serbia. Date: 06-06 June 2018.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P.N. and Chemweno, P. (2018). Maintenance Optimization: Application of Remanufacturing and Repair Strategies. Procedia CIRP, 69: 899–904. Copenhagen. Date: 30, April-02 May 2018.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P. (2018). Simulating the influence of spares replacement and reuse on equipment reliability and maintenance cost. The 4th DeKUT International conference on science, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Nyeri, Kenya. Date: 7-9 November 2018
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. (2016). The illustrative methodology of critical failure modes identification using failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). The second DeKUT International conference on science, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Nyeri, Kenya Dates: 02-04 November 2016
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. (2017). Failure prioritization and maintenance strategy selection: Hybrid approach in power plants. Maintenance research day-Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Date: 03 February 2017.
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. (2017). A lubricant condition monitoring approach for maintenance decision support – a data exploratory case study. Maintenance Forum (May 2017). Bečići, Montenegro. (pp 69-82). Date: 24-26 May 2017
- Wakiru, J., Pintelon, L., Muchiri, P., Chemweno, P. (2017). Analysis of lubrication oil contamination by fuel dilution with the application of cluster analysis. XVII International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems. pp 252-257. Novi Sad, Serbia. Date: 04-06 October 2017.
- Chemweno. P., Pintelon, L., Van Horenbeek, A., Muchiri, P., Wakiru, J. (2014). A dynamic failure mode and effect analysis using Bayesian theory. 8th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability edition: St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford. Date:10-12 July 2014.
- Wakiru. J., (2018). Asset Performance Management and maintenance- Lubrication technology for Africa. Maintenance magazine. Vol 141. September 2018.
Other Professional Publications
- Wakiru, J. (2017). Taming the tide of substandard lubricants in Kenya. Lubezine, 20(March), 28
- Wakiru, J. (2019a). Best practices in the mainenance of compressors. Lubezine, 29, 16–18
- Wakiru, J. (2019b). The African grease market – opportunities and challenges. Lubezine, 31(December), 28
- Wakiru, J. (2021). Maintenance strategies; a comparative analysis Africa vs Europe. Lubezine, 38, 15-18
Awards, Scholarships and Recognitions
- IRO scholarship award – Full time PhD research at KU Leuven, Belgium. Period between September 2016 and July 2021.
a) Ongoing/Completed Research
- Maintenance Spares inventory optimization.
- Healthcare operations optimization.
- Lubricant and lubrication technologies.
- PhD research funding, Source: Interfaculty Council for Development Cooperation. Year: 2016 – 2021.
- Doctorate
- David Malombe (PhD Mechanical Engineering) – Ongoing Title – Life Cycle Optimization of Critical Medical Equipment in Hospital.
- George Njagi Njeru (PhD Mechanical Engineering) – Ongoing Title – Application of Fractional Ownership in the manufacturing sector in Kenya.
- Masters
- Sammy Nderitu W. (on-going). Process modelling of a wind energy conversion system based on PSMG with MPPT: Cyberphysical condition monitoring. MSc Thesis, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology.
- Mwanyae, Alloice. D. (on-going). Optimal Production and Maintenance scheduling for multiple line, one product system considering degradation. MSc Thesis, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology.
- Nganga, Peter (on-going). Maintenance Performance Driven Improvement For Critical Equipment In Cement Grinding Section; A Case Study Of Savannah Cement Kenya. MSc Thesis, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology.
- Masamu, Elimenyisa Upendo (2017), Using Data Mining Techniques for Knowledge Discovery and Mapping Aircraft Defects Based on Maintenance Data. M.S Thesis, KU Leuven.
- Ngamou, Tchuana William. (2018), Evaluation of power plant maintenance data using data mining techniques. M.S Thesis, KU Leuven.
- Mehuys Matthias (2018), Assessment of the rehabilitation profile based on hospital data and simulation of re habilitation at home after CVA. M.S Thesis, KU Leuven, Belgium.
- Elgin, Carl James. (2019). Reliability Analysis of Mechanical Equipment in a Cement production plant.” M.S Thesis, KU Leuven, Belgium.
- Jonas and Ward (2021). Towards a practical stroke unit bed capacity planning model. M.Sc Thesis, KU Leuven, Belgium.
- Diploma
- Wachira, S. (2014) The socioeconomic impact of Liquified Petroleum Gas prices: A case study of Nairobi. School of Petroleum Studies.
- Kagai, J. K. (2014) The effect of fuel prices on the cost of living: A case study of Mathare. School of Petroleum Studies.
- Murigi, W.H. (2013) The effectiveness of hazard management on the environment around Kenya Pipeline Company depot. School of Petroleum Studies.
- Thesis Examination
- Wambua, Job Maveke (2022). A Multi-objective optimization of the machining of Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) (PMMA) for optical lens application. MSc Thesis, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology.
- Obara, Cleophas (2022 on-going). A study of the effects of the multi-directional forging process parameters on Aluminum alloy 7075. MSc Thesis, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology.
- Process design and re-engineering.
- Optimization of Manufacturing systems.
- Lubrication optimization.
- Graduate engineer – EBK
- Graduate engineer – IEK
b) Research funding: (Indicate the Source, Amount & Year)
Postgraduate Thesis Supervision and Examination
Research Interests
Affiliation/Membership to Professional Bodies